Hoy nos han comunicado desde "Capuchinos" (CIE de Málaga) que los 10 compañeros argelinos represaliados por la huelga de hambre en Melilla siguen manteniendo la misma tras su detención.
Por otra parte en la Plaza de España de Melilla siguen concentrados 6 hindúes de la provincia de Cachemira desde hace más de un mes y tras 23 días de huelga de hambre.
En el CETI de Melilla todas las noches se ven salir decenas de personas de diversas nacionalidades que buscan un sitio en la calle donde dormir y escapar a una posible redada policial que acabe con su expulsión tras varios años de retención.
Decenas de personas también piden todos los días ser repatriados a su país ante la perspectiva de permanecer ociosos en el CETI durante años, sin ser escuchados por nadie.
Esta es la situación de catástrofe humanitaria actual en la que viven cientos de personas encerradas contra su voluntad en la ciudad de Melilla. Situación que no parece preocupar en absoluto a los responsables políticos que como un carrusel van pasando por la ciudad y que nos lleva a pensar que el único y verdadero interés "del SISTEMA" pudiera ser el de presentar indefinidamente una situación de alarma y sobresaturación en el CETI de Melilla que les permita obtener subvenciones y mantener la actividad y el negocio vivo.... Olvidando que la mercancía son seres humanos: hombres, mujeres y niños que se han visto obligados a marchar de sus casas por las más diversas razones, la mayor parte de las veces como consecuencia de la guerra, la corrupción, el saqueo y, la ausencia de respeto a los Derechos Humanos, de reyezuelos y dictadores de todo pelaje subvencionados por la UE y los EEUU.
Versión en inglés:
We received information today from “Capuchinos” (the C.I.E./Internment Centre for Foreigners in Málaga) that the 10 Algerian comrades who faced sanction for their hunger strike in Melilla are continuing to maintain their hunger strike following their arrest and detention.
In other news, 6 Indians from the state of Kashmir continue to demonstrate in the Plaza de España in Melilla now for over a month, and following 23 days on hunger strike.
In Melilla’s CETI, every night one sees tens of people of various nationalities looking for a place to sleep in the street to avoid the possibility of being captured in a police raid that would end in their expulsion after many years of being held here.
Tens of people are also asking constantly to be repatriated to their countries, as they are faced with a future of remaining stuck pointlessly in the CETI for years, and not being heard by anyone.
This is the current situation of humanitarian catastrophe in which hundreds of people locked up against their will in the city of Melilla have to live. This situation doesn’t seem to bother the political authorities at all, who continue to wheel around town as if on a fairground carousel. This leads us to think that they the only true interest of “the SYSTEM” is to portray the situation as one of indefinite threat and overcrowding in the CETI in Melilla, which allows them to receive subsidies and to keep their activities going as if they were “business as usual”. They forget that in this “business”, the “merchandise” ends up being human beings – men, women and children who have had to leave their homes for innumerable reasons, but for the most part as a result of war, corruption, looting, a lack of respect for human rights on the part of chieftains and dictators of all kinds subsidized by the EU and the US.
Versión en inglés:
We received information today from “Capuchinos” (the C.I.E./Internment Centre for Foreigners in Málaga) that the 10 Algerian comrades who faced sanction for their hunger strike in Melilla are continuing to maintain their hunger strike following their arrest and detention.
In other news, 6 Indians from the state of Kashmir continue to demonstrate in the Plaza de España in Melilla now for over a month, and following 23 days on hunger strike.
In Melilla’s CETI, every night one sees tens of people of various nationalities looking for a place to sleep in the street to avoid the possibility of being captured in a police raid that would end in their expulsion after many years of being held here.
Tens of people are also asking constantly to be repatriated to their countries, as they are faced with a future of remaining stuck pointlessly in the CETI for years, and not being heard by anyone.
This is the current situation of humanitarian catastrophe in which hundreds of people locked up against their will in the city of Melilla have to live. This situation doesn’t seem to bother the political authorities at all, who continue to wheel around town as if on a fairground carousel. This leads us to think that they the only true interest of “the SYSTEM” is to portray the situation as one of indefinite threat and overcrowding in the CETI in Melilla, which allows them to receive subsidies and to keep their activities going as if they were “business as usual”. They forget that in this “business”, the “merchandise” ends up being human beings – men, women and children who have had to leave their homes for innumerable reasons, but for the most part as a result of war, corruption, looting, a lack of respect for human rights on the part of chieftains and dictators of all kinds subsidized by the EU and the US.