viernes, 23 de mayo de 2008


Melilla, 22-05-2008

Esta tarde han sido ingresados graves dos argelinos de los que realizan la huelga de hambre en Melilla.

El primero de ellos se arrojó al mar en lo que parece un intento de suicidio. El joven llevaba tres días diciendo que quería morir, la noche anterior la pasó entera llorando y al medio día se arrojó al mar en una zona escarpada si saber nadar. Gracias a la llamada telefónica de unos pescadores y la rápida intervención de la Guardia Civil pudo salvarse. Su estado era crítico, según fuentes hospitalarias expulsó dos litros de agua de los pulmones.

El segundo tenía un nivel de azúcar mínimo y mal funcionamiento del corazón. Tuvo que ser trasladado al hospital por una UVI móvil, dos ambulancias y más de cuatro personas lo atendieron sobre el terreno.

Los inmigrantes a pesar de su precario estado de salud se reafirman en seguir con la huelga hasta que se solucione su situación. Afirman que seguirán con la misma aunque mueran en el intento de salir de Melilla definitivamente, la ciudad-carcel donde muchos de ellos permanecen prisioneros desde hace casi tres años.

Traducción al inglés:

Friday, 23 May 2008

This afternoon two Algerians who have been out on hunger-stike in Melilla were admitted to the hospital in a serious state.

The first of them threw himself into the sea in what appeared to be a suicide attempt. The young man had spent three days saying he wanted to die. He spent the entire previous night crying, and at mid-day he threw himself into the sea in a rocky area; he didn’t know how to swim. Thanks to a phone call from some fishermen and the rapid arrival of the Guardia Civil he was saved. He was in a critical state, and according to sources at the hospital, he expelled two litres of water from his lungs.

The second had a minimal level of blood sugar and a malfunctioning heart. He had to be transferred to the hospital in a mobile ICU; two ambulances and more than four people had to attend to him on the ground.

The migrants, despite their precarious state of health, have declared that they will continue with the strike until their situation is solved. They state firmly that they will continue with the strike even if it means dying, because their aim is to leave Melilla once and for all – Melilla, the jail-city, where many of them have had to stay as prisoners for what is now almost three years.