jueves, 8 de mayo de 2008


Youness ha vivido escondido en distintos sitios de la ciudad
por miedo a los sicarios que le amenazaban con matarlo
si no quitaba las denuncias .
Youness has lived hidden in a number of places
around the city in fear of the hired thugs
who have threatened to kill him if he doesn’t stop
his denunciations.

Se llama Youness Idrissi, tiene 18 años y hace 1 año tuvo la osadía de denunciar, tras una paliza, a un personaje que ostenta uno de los cargos de responsabilidad del centro donde estaba acogido (Fuerte de la Purísima). Desde entonces se han multiplicado las amenazas y nuevas palizas, incluso con armas blancas. Todo ello ocasionó nuevas denuncias que lejos de amedrantar a los maltratadores les hizo "sacar pecho" y utilizar los servicios de una banda de violentos delincuentes para amenazarlo reiteradamente, incluso de muerte.

Al cumplir 18 años es "naturalmente" abandonado a su suerte por la Consejería de Bienestar Social. Se le quitan ilegalmente todos sus documentos de identificación y ha de sobrevivir en la calle, escondido, atemorizado y perseguido por la banda de sicarios que le amenaza continuamente y que le agrede en varias ocasiones. El mensaje: ¡Quítale la denuncia a S. o la proxima vez te matamos!

Esta semana varios sicarios han sido detenidos y puestos disposición judicial. El mismo día Youness desapareció y no se ha vuelto a saber nada de él.

Testigo principal contra sus torturadores tememos seriamente por su integridad física e incluso por su vida.

Traducción en inglés:

Youness Idrissi, 18 years old: Following a beating he received over a year ago in the centre where he was housed, Youness Idrissi, had the nerve to accuse someone who holds a position of responsibility in that centre (Fuerte de la Purísima). The threats and attacks, including some armed ones, against Youness have multiplied since that time. All that led to Youness making further accusations; these accusations, far from scaring off those who ill-treated him, have made them “stick their chests out” and hire the services of a group of violent criminals to threaten him repeatedly, including with death.

Now that he is 18 years old, he is “naturally” left to his own resources by the Consejería de Bienestar Social. They illegally confiscated all his identification documents; he has since had to survive on the street, hidden, scared and pursued by a group of hired thugs who threaten him continually and have attacked him from time to time. Their message to him is clear: “Stop your accusations against “S”, or else, next time we’ll kill you!”

This week, a number of the thugs have been arrested and placed under a judicial order. The same day Youness disappeared and so far nothing further is known of his whereabouts.

As he is the primary witness against the people who have ill-treated him, we have serious fears and concerns for his physical well-being and indeed for his life.